To enhance the level of protection you have you can include Critical Illness cover within your plan that will protect your home should you be diagnosed with one of a number of specified ‘critical’ illnesses or conditions, such as cancer, heart attack or stroke.
Exactly which illnesses and conditions the policyholder is covered for will be determined at outset, and will be stipulated in the policy details. This cover pays out a tax-free lump sum to policyholders if, during the term of the policy, they are diagnosed with one of the specified illnesses. The lump sum is usually paid if policyholders survive for a pre-determined period, typically 30 days, from the date they were first diagnosed.
Critical illness policies are commonly combined with general life assurance policies, and can be written for one person or on a ‘joint life’ basis, i.e. for two people. There is no investment element to a critical illness policy.
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